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This, It Happens in Alabama blog, is written by me, Janet Kynard. I am the Founder/President of It Happens in Alabama. My posts are based on real life experiences and personal opinions and are meant to be used as a reference when planning outings, for entertainment purposes and for keeping up with activities, happenings and events in Alabama. I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to leave feedback and to share.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Alabama's #1 Redneck

by: Janet Kynard, Founder/President It Happens in Alabama
Wade Jones, 42 years old, of Ourtown, Alabama is not just the winner of $100,000 and the Winner of Redneck Island a CMT reality show, but a true representation of an Alabama redneck. While some people may take offense to being called a redneck and some may use the word redneck as an insult to others. My view and the view of many southern girls, of a redneck is a hard worker who takes care of their family and is a best friend to many. A redneck is there for you when times are bad and you didn’t even have to ask. A redneck is there when times are good and usually they were part of making those times more memorable and story worthy. So in my eyes, yes, Wade Jones is a true redneck.

I came to know more about Wade, when telling my husband, Steve, (Kynard….Not Steve Austin, Ha, Ha) about the new season of Redneck Island. You see, I have to keep him up to date on these type shows because he never watches them. While telling him of the first episode, he stopped me and asked about a contestant named Wade. Oh yes, he is one of my favorites and he is from Alabama, I told him. That’s when he let me know that Wade was one of his customers and just that day had found out that he was on the show. I pulled so hard for Wade the whole season, not just because he is a fellow Alabamian, or that my husband knew him, but because of his personality and character.  

I called and spoke with Wade, before the show had ended. It was one of those conversations that was as if I had picked up the phone and called and old friend. We talked about hunting, his growing up and his love of music and a little about the show. 

After the show was over, I went up to OurTown which is a crook in the road on Hwy 63, just north of Kowliga and met with Wade at OurTown Grocery. I could tell Wade loves his job there and cared about all the customers that came in, most of whom he knew by name. On this particular day, the new Lake Martin Living magazine had just arrived with Wade’s picture on the cover. The title was Ourtown’s $100,000 Redneck! Of course I got my copy and he even signed it for me! 
 We talked for over an hour and again, it was as if I had known him forever. Hollywood has not changed our redneck. The story of how he came to apply for the show was quite interesting. One night he was sat down to watch TV with his daughter, Hope and girlfriend Jan who he calls “My Beautiful Queen”. They were watching Redneck Island on CMT. Wade will admit real quickly that he is not a reality show watcher and does not watch CMT because he likes Southern Rock and Old Country. He told the two of them that he thought he should be on the show because he was a better redneck than any of them. I love Jan’s comment “you’re not going on that show and embarrass us!” Well, after they went to bed, Wade who admits he barely knows more than how to cut on a computer fumbled around and found the website and as a joke, applied. You see, Wade is one of those guy’s that if you tell him he can’t, he’ll show you just where he can.

In about a week, he got a call. He had to fill out a 50 page application and release forms, send in a home video and Skype an interview. He made it to the final 25 in LA and was in better shape than people in their 20’s and 30’s who got sent home because they couldn’t pass the physical. He credits his health to walking 5 miles a day, in the woods during deer hunting season. Humm, I’m thinking I need to try some of that woods walking! 

The group of 14 contestants left straight from LA to Mexico where he spent 25 days competing in challenges against the other contestants, 5 of which were also from Alabama. I played armchair redneck through out the season trying to call the best eliminations. The final 5 went down in the order I had called. I asked Wade how he was able to keep such a clear vision and not get caught up in the fishbowl. He told me that he and Justin Campbell, from RaglandAl, who was his best friend on the show and came in 2nd, kept each other straight and on course. He told me the secret was not being the strongest, the weakest or most annoying. He said “you want to fly under the radar line but not so far that your belly drags the ground.” 

Wade is not looking for a TV deal or anything after his commitment for appearances with CMT which will end around September, 2013. He loves his life as it is.   

Congratulations to Wade on winning and having the opportunity for such a great experience and congratulations to all who know him, you have got one of the best Rednecks on your side.
Wade Jones and Janet Kynard

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